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// ==UserScript==
// @name         Cell Ontology and UBERON Request Helper
// @namespace
// @version      1.7
// @description  Enhance Wikidata pages with quick access to formatted cell ontology and UBERON term requests
// @author       You
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
  'use strict';

  // Helper functions
  function getItemId() {
      return location.pathname.replace('/wiki/', '');

  // Ensure OOjs UI is loaded
  mw.loader.using('oojs-ui-core').done(function() {
    $(function() {
        // Only run this in the main namespace
        if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 0) {
            const itemId = mw.config.get('wbEntityId'); // Get the current item ID
            Promise.all([isSubclassOfCell(itemId), isSubclassOfAnatomicalEntity(itemId)]).then(([isCell, isAnatomicalEntity]) => {
                if (isCell) {
                    addNTRButton(itemId, 'CL', createCLNTRBody);
                } else if (isAnatomicalEntity) {
                    addNTRButton(itemId, 'UBERON', createUberonNTRBody);

  async function isSubclassOfCell(item) {
      const query = `
      ASK {
          wd:${item} wdt:P279* wd:Q7868 .
      const url = '' + encodeURIComponent(query) + '&format=json';
      try {
          const response = await fetch(url);
          const data = await response.json();
          return data.boolean;
      } catch (error) {
          console.error('Error checking subclass of cell:', error);
          return false;

  async function isSubclassOfAnatomicalEntity(item) {
      const query = `
      ASK {
          wd:${item} wdt:P279* wd:Q27043950 .
      const url = '' + encodeURIComponent(query) + '&format=json';
      try {
          const response = await fetch(url);
          const data = await response.json();
          return data.boolean;
      } catch (error) {
          console.error('Error checking subclass of anatomical entity:', error);
          return false;

  function addNTRButton(itemId, ontology, createNTRBody) {
      var button = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
          label: `Add a NTR to ${ontology}`,
          flags: ['progressive'] // Optional: adds a visual cue that this is a primary action
      button.on('click', function() {
          fetchAndFormatData(itemId, ontology).then(result => displayFormattedResult(result, ontology, createNTRBody));

  function addImageButton(itemId) {
      var imageButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
          label: 'Add image to CL',
          flags: ['progressive'] // Optional: adds a visual cue that this is a primary action
      imageButton.on('click', function() {

  // Function to fetch image data
  async function fetchCLIdAndImage(item) {
      const query = `
      SELECT ?cl_id ?image ?label WHERE {
          wd:${item} wdtn:P7963 ?cl_id . 
          wd:${item} rdfs:label ?label . 
          FILTER(LANG(?label) = "en")
          OPTIONAL { wd:${item} wdt:P18 ?image. }
      const url = '' + encodeURIComponent(query) + '&format=json';
      try {
          const response = await fetch(url);
          const data = await response.json();
          console.log('Data:', data.results.bindings);
          return data.results.bindings;
      } catch (error) {
          console.error('Error fetching CL ID and image data:', error);
          return [];

  async function createImageIssueForCL(item) {
      const results = await fetchCLIdAndImage(item);
      if (results.length === 1 && results[0].image) {
          // Construct the KGCL command
          const kgclCommand = `\`\`\`
          Hey ontobot! apply: - create edge ${results[0].cl_id.value} <> "${results[0].image.value}"^^xsd:anyURI

          // Construct GitHub issue body
          const body = `
**Request to add a new image axiom with KGCL**

**Wikidata item:** [${results[0].label.value}](${item})
**CL ID:** ${results[0].cl_id.value}
**Image URL:** ${results[0].image.value}


**Additional notes or concerns:**
This request was autogenerated from Wikidata.

          const url = newGithubIssueUrl({
              user: 'obophenotype',
              repo: 'cell-ontology',
              body: body,
              title: `[KGCL] New Image Axiom Request for ${results[0].label.value}`,
              labels: [`KGCL`, `ontobot`, `image+axiom+request`, `from+wikidata`]

, '_blank');
      } else if (results.length !== 1) {
          alert('No unique CL match found for this item on Wikidata.');
      } else {
          alert('No image found for this item on Wikidata.');

  async function fetchAndFormatData(item, ontology) {
      const query = `
      SELECT ?itemLabel (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?itemAltLabel; separator = ", ") AS ?aliases)
          (SAMPLE(?referenceTitle) AS ?referenceTitle) (SAMPLE(?pubMedID) AS ?pubMedID)
          (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?superclassLabel;separator=", ") AS ?superclasses)
          (SAMPLE(?superclassUberonId) AS ?superclassUberonId)
          (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?clId;separator=", ") AS ?clIds)
          (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?anatomicalLocationLabel;separator=", ") AS ?anatomicalLocations)
          (SAMPLE(?anatomicalUberonId) AS ?anatomicalUberonId)
      WHERE {
      BIND(wd:${item} AS ?item)
      OPTIONAL { ?item skos:altLabel ?itemAltLabel. FILTER(LANG(?itemAltLabel) = "en") }
      ?item p:P31 ?statement.
      ?statement ps:P31 ?whatever.
      OPTIONAL {
        ?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?ref.
        ?ref pr:P248 ?reference.
        ?reference rdfs:label ?referenceTitle. FILTER(LANG(?referenceTitle) = "en")
        OPTIONAL { ?reference wdt:P698 ?pubMedID. }
      OPTIONAL {
        ?item wdt:P279 ?superclass.
        ?superclass rdfs:label ?superclassLabel. FILTER(LANG(?superclassLabel) = "en")
        OPTIONAL { ?superclass wdt:P1554 ?superclassUberonId. }
        OPTIONAL { ?superclass wdt:P7963 ?clId. }
      OPTIONAL {
        ?item wdt:P927 ?anatomicalLocation.
        ?anatomicalLocation rdfs:label ?anatomicalLocationLabel. FILTER(LANG(?anatomicalLocationLabel) = "en")
        OPTIONAL { ?anatomicalLocation wdt:P1554 ?anatomicalUberonId. }
      OPTIONAL {
        ?wikipediaUrl schema:about ?item;
                schema:inLanguage "en";
                schema:isPartOf <>.
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
      GROUP BY ?itemLabel ?wikipediaUrl
      const url = '' + encodeURIComponent(query) + '&format=json';
      try {
          const response = await fetch(url);
          const data = await response.json();
          return data.results.bindings[0] || {};
      } catch (error) {
          console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
          return {};

  // Adapted from
  function newGithubIssueUrl(options = {}) {
      let repoUrl = `${options.user}/${options.repo}`;
      const url = new URL(`${repoUrl}/issues/new`);
      const types = ['body', 'title', 'labels', 'template', 'milestone', 'assignee', 'projects'];

      for (const type of types) {
          let value = options[type];
          if (value === undefined) {

          if (type === 'labels' || type === 'projects') {
              if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
                  console.error(`The \`${type}\` option should be an array`);
              value = value.join(',');

          url.searchParams.set(type, value);

      return url.toString();

  function displayFormattedResult(result, ontology, createNTRBody) {
      const { itemLabel, aliases, referenceTitle, pubMedID, superclasses, superclassUberonId, clIds, anatomicalLocations, anatomicalUberonId, wikipediaUrl } = result;
      const item = getItemId();
      const wikidataLink = `${item}`;
      const clIdsArray = clIds ? clIds.value.split(', ') : [];
      const formattedClIds = => `[${id}](${id.replace(':', '_')})`).join(', ');
      const formattedSuperclassUberonId = superclassUberonId ? `[UBERON:${superclassUberonId.value.replace(':', '_')}](${superclassUberonId.value.replace(':', '_')})` : 'N/A';
      const formattedAnatomicalUberonId = anatomicalUberonId ? `[UBERON:${anatomicalUberonId.value.replace(':', '_')}](${anatomicalUberonId.value.replace(':', '_')})` : 'N/A';
      const formattedPubMedID = pubMedID ? `[PMID:${pubMedID.value}](${pubMedID.value})` : '';

      const body = createNTRBody({
          itemLabel: itemLabel ? itemLabel.value : 'N/A',
          aliases: aliases ? aliases.value : 'None',
          referenceTitle: referenceTitle ? referenceTitle.value : 'No reference found',
          pubMedID: formattedPubMedID,
          superclasses: superclasses ? superclasses.value : 'N/A',
          superclassUberonId: formattedSuperclassUberonId,
          clIds: formattedClIds,
          anatomicalLocations: anatomicalLocations ? anatomicalLocations.value : 'N/A',
          anatomicalUberonId: formattedAnatomicalUberonId,
          wikipediaUrl: wikipediaUrl ? wikipediaUrl.value : 'No reference found',
          wikidataLink: wikidataLink

      const url = newGithubIssueUrl({
          user: 'obophenotype',
          repo: ontology === 'CL' ? 'cell-ontology' : 'uberon',
          body: body,
          title: `[NTR] New Term Request: ${itemLabel ? itemLabel.value : ''}`,
          labels: [`new+term+request`, `from+wikidata`]
      });, '_blank');

  function createCLNTRBody({itemLabel, aliases, referenceTitle, pubMedID, superclasses, clIds, anatomicalLocations, anatomicalUberonId, wikipediaUrl, wikidataLink}) {
      return `**Preferred term label**


A ${superclasses} that... **FILL HERE**


**Parent cell type term**
CL IDs: ${clIds}

**Anatomical structure where the cell type is found**
Uberon IDs: ${anatomicalUberonId}

**Your ORCID**

**Additional notes or concerns**
The draft for this request was autogenerated from Wikidata. For more details, see the [Wikidata item](${wikidataLink}) or the [source script](

  function createUberonNTRBody({itemLabel, aliases, referenceTitle, pubMedID, superclasses, superclassUberonId, anatomicalLocations, anatomicalUberonId, wikipediaUrl, wikidataLink}) {
      return `**Preferred term label:**



**Parent term**
UBERON ID: ${superclassUberonId}

**Anatomical structure where the term is found**
UBERON ID: ${anatomicalUberonId}

**Your nano-attribution**

**Link back to Wikidata item**
