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This cite module is still under development. Module that formats citations based on bibliographic metadata stored in Wikidata.

Single Source String


The following code

  | cite
  | item=Q14405740

creates the reference string based on the item given with qid. For Q14405740, this results in
Wulf D. Schleip and Mark O'Shea, "Annotated checklist of the recent and extinct pythons (Serpentes, Pythonidae), with notes on nomenclature, taxonomy, and distribution", ZooKeys, vol. 66, 66, , doi: 10.3897/ZOOKEYS.66.683, PubMed ID: 21594030 , PubMed Central ID: 3088416 , Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

List of references




See also: Wikidata:Books task force

A list of references which can be directly added to a references section can be created with

  | reflist
  | Q20124587 Q17355847 Q15220486 Q25625532


  • George Orwell, 1984, Zürich: Diana Verlag,
  • Max Horkheimer, Alfred Schmidt (eds.), Zur Kritik der instrumentellen Vernunft, 1st edition, Frankfurt: S. Fischer Verlag,
  • Miguel Ángel Asturias Rosales, El Señor Presidente (edición crítica), , ISBN 978-84-89666-51-1
  • William Kent, Data and Reality, North-Holland Publishing Company,
  • Articles


    See also: Wikidata:Periodicals task force

    A list of references which can be directly added to a references section can be created with

      | reflist
      | Q14405740 Q13416617 Q20058533 

    etc., which results in:

  • Wulf D. Schleip and Mark O'Shea, "Annotated checklist of the recent and extinct pythons (Serpentes, Pythonidae), with notes on nomenclature, taxonomy, and distribution", ZooKeys, vol. 66, 66, , doi: 10.3897/ZOOKEYS.66.683, PubMed ID: 21594030 , PubMed Central ID: 3088416 , Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
  • Stefan Martin Schmid, Bernhard Fügenschuh and Eduard Kissling, "Tectonic map and overall architecture of the Alpine orogen", Swiss Journal of Geosciences, vol. 97, 1, , doi: 10.1007/S00015-004-1113-X
  • Rudolf Jung, "Uffenbach, Zacharias Konrad von", Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, 39th volume, vol. 39,
  • Eric N. Rittmeyer, Allen Allison, Michael C. Gründler, Derrick K. Thompson and Christopher C. Austin, "Ecological guild evolution and the discovery of the world's smallest vertebrate", PLOS One, vol. 7, 1, , doi: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0029797, PubMed ID: 22253785 , PubMed Central ID: 3256195 , Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic
  • Supported properties


    The Cite module should support:

    Wish list:


    See also





    -- Creates a timeline for an item based on various properties
    local p = {}
    local wikidata = require('Module:Wikidata')
    local linguistic = require('Module:Linguistic')
    local fb = require('Module:Fallback')
    local i18n = {
    	articletitle = {
    		de = '„$1“',
    		en = '"$1"',
    		fr = '«$1»',
    		nb = '«$1»',
    		nn = '«$1»',
    		ur = '«$1»',
    	booktitle = {
    		en = '<i>$1</i>',
    		ur = '<i>$1</i>',
    	editor = {
    		de = '$1 (Hrsg.)',
    		en = '$1 (ed.)',
    		nb = '$1 (red.)',
    		nn = '$1 (red.)',
    		sv = '$1 (red.)',
    		ur = '$1 (مدیر۔)',
    	editors = {
    		de = '$1 (Hrsg.)',
    		en = '$1 (eds.)',
    		nb = '$1 (red.)',
    		nn = '$1 (red.)',
    		sv = '$1 (red.)',
    		ur = '$1 (مدیران۔)',	
    	num = {
    		af = 'nr. $1',
    		ca = 'núm. $1',
    		cs = 'č. $1',
    		da = 'nr. $1',
    		de = 'Nr. $1',
    		el = 'αρ. $1',
    		en = 'no. $1',
    		es = ' nº$1',
    		fa = 'ش. 1$',
    		fr = 'n°1$1',
    		gd = 'àir. $1',
    		ja = '$1番',
    		['io'] = 'nº$1',
    		ka = 'არა$1',
    		lt = 'nr. $1',
    		lv = 'nr. $1',
    		mk = 'бр. $1',
    		nl = 'nr $1',
    		no = 'nr $1',
    		pl = 'nr $1',
    		pt = 'nº$1',
    		ru = '№$1',
    		sk = 'č. $1',
    		sl = 'št. $1',
    		st = 'no. $1',
    		sv = 'nr $1',
    		nl = '$1號',
    		ur = 'نمبر. $1',
    	page = {
    		de = 'S. $1',
    		en = 'p. $1',
    		fr = 'p. $1',
    		nb = 's. $1',
    		nn = 's. $1',
    		sv = 's. $1',
    		ur = 'صفحہ۔ $1',
    	['read online'] = {
    		de = '[$1 online]',
    		en = '[$1 read online]',
    		fr = '[$1 lire en ligne]',
    		nb = '[$1 les online]',
    		nn = '[$1 les online]',
    		sv = '[$1 läs online]',
    		ur = '[$1 آن لائن پڑھیں]',
    	['volume'] = {
    		de = 'Band $1',
    		en = 'vol. $1',
    		ur = 'جلد۔ $1',
    	['citation_comma'] = {
    		ur = '، ',
    		zh = ',',  -- in Chinese the commas used in citation aren't '、'
    		["zh-cn"] = ',',
    		["zh-hans"] = ',',
    		["zh-hant"] = ',',
    		["zh-hk"] = ',',
    		["zh-mo"] = ',',
    		["zh-sg"] = ',',
    		["zh-tw"] = ',',
    		en = ', ',
    		message = 'comma-separator',
    local function translate(msg, lg, sub1, sub2)
    	local str = fb._langSwitch(i18n[msg], lg)
    	if not str then
    		return "nil"
    	if sub1 then
    		str = str:gsub("$1", sub1)
    	if sub2 then
    		str = str:gsub("$2", sub2)
    	return str
    local function getTitle(item, lang)
    	local title = wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P1476'})
    	if not title then
    		title = wikidata._getLabel(item, lang) .. " (title not provided in Wikidata)"
    	return title
    local function formatpage(page, lang)
    -- same text for singular and plural, most of the time, they can be distinguished by the presence of a "-" but that does not always work, see Q11927173
    	if not page then 
    		return nil
    	return translate("page", lang, page)
    local function formatnum(num, lang)
    	if not num then 
    		return nil
    	return translate("num", lang, num)
    local function getauthor(item, lang)
    	return wikidata.formatStatements{entity=item, property = 'P50', lang=lang}
    local function getISBN(item, lang)
    	local ISBN = wikidata.formatStatements{entity = item, property = 'P212', lang=lang, numval = 1}
    	if ISBN then 
    		return 'ISBN ' ..ISBN
    local function getLink(item, lang)
    	local links = wikidata.formatStatements{entity = item, property = 'P854', numval = 1, lang=lang}
    	if links then
    		return translate('read online', lang, links)
    local function getVolume(item, lang)
    	local volume = wikidata.formatStatements{item = item, property = 'P478', numval = 1, lang=lang}
    	if volume then
    		return translate("volume", lang, volume)
    local function getDoi(item, lang)
    	local doi = wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P356', numval = 1, lang=lang}) -- what to do if several value
    	if not doi then
    		return nil
    	return '<small>' .. 'doi: [' .. doi .. ' ' .. doi .. ']' .. '</small>' -- needs i18n ?
    	-- some DOIs contain special characters like "[" or "]", which break the linking syntax above unless these characters are URL-encoded
    local function getPmid(item, lang)
    	local pmid = wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P698', numval = 1, lang=lang}) -- what to do if several values
    	if not pmid then
    		return nil
    	return '<small> PubMed ID: [' .. pmid .. ' ' .. pmid .. '] </small>' -- needs i18n ?
    local function getPmcid(item, lang)
    	local pmcid = wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P932', numval = 1, lang=lang}) -- what to do if several values
    	if not pmcid then
    		return nil
    	return '<small> PubMed Central ID: [' .. pmcid .. ' ' .. pmcid .. '] </small>' -- needs i18n ?
    local function getEditor(item, lang)
    	local editortable = wikidata.getClaims({entity=item, property='P98'})
    	if not editortable then 
    		return nil
    	local editor = wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property='P98', lang=lang}) -- should have a "formatClaims" function to avoid double work
    	if #editortable > 1 then
    		 return translate('editor', lang, editor)
    		return translate('editors', lang, editor)
    local function getedition(item, lang)
    	local ednumber = wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P393', lang=lang, numval = 1}) 
    	if not ednumber then 
    		return nil
    	local ord = require('Module:Ordinal')._Ordinal
    	return fb._langSwitch({ 
    		de = ednumber .. '. Auflage', 
    		en = ord(ednumber, 'en') .. ' edition',
    		fr = ord(ednumber, 'fr') .. ' édition',
    		nb = ord(ednumber, 'nb') .. ' utgave',
    		nn = ord(ednumber, 'nn') .. ' utgave',
    		ur = ord(ednumber, 'ur') .. ' اشاعت',
    		}, lang)
    local function getarticletitle(item, lang)
    	local title = getTitle(item, lang)
    	title = translate("articletitle", lang, title)
    	return title
    local function getbooktitle(item, lang)-- needs i18n some languages do not use this format
    	local title = getTitle(item, lang)
    	title = translate("booktitle", lang, title)
    	return title
    local function getissue(item, lang)
    	return  wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P433', lang=lang})
    local function getpublisher(item, lang)
    	return wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P123', lang=lang})
    local function getpublishdate(item, lang)
    	return  wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P577', lang=lang})
    local function getpublishplace(item, lang)
    	return  wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P291', lang=lang})
    local function geturl(item, lang)
    	return wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P854', lang=lang})
    local function getlicense(item, lang)
    	return wikidata.formatStatements{entity=item, property = 'P275', lang=lang}
    local function getjournal(item, lang) -- get the title property rather than the label
    	local journal = wikidata.formatStatements({entity = item, property = 'P1433', exlcudespecial = true})
    	if journal then return '<i>' .. journal .. '</i>' end -- would need i18n 
    local function citebook(item, lang, page, num)
    	local publishdate = getpublishdate(item, lang)
    	local author = getauthor(item, lang)
    	local editor = getEditor(item, lang)
    	local title = getbooktitle(item, lang)
    	local publishplace = getpublishplace(item, lang)
    	local publisher = getpublisher(item, lang)
    	if publishplace and publisher then -- needs cleanup
    		publisher = publishplace .. mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{title = "colon", args = {lang}} .. publisher
    	local edition = getedition(item, lang)
    	local isbn = getISBN(item, lang)
    	local doi = getDoi(item, lang)
    	local pmid = getPmid(item, lang)
    	local pmcid = getPmcid(item, lang)
    	local link = getLink(item, lang)
    	local volume = getVolume(item, lang)
    	local pagenumber = formatpage(page, lang)
    	local refnum = formatpage(num, lang)
    	local license = getlicense(item, lang)
    	local fields = {}
    	table.insert(fields, author)
    	table.insert(fields, editor)
    	table.insert(fields, title)
    	table.insert(fields, edition)
    	table.insert(fields, volume)
    	table.insert(fields, publisher)
    	table.insert(fields, publishdate)
    	table.insert(fields, pagenumber)
    	table.insert(fields, refnum)
    	table.insert(fields, isbn)
    	table.insert(fields, doi)
    	table.insert(fields, pmid)
    	table.insert(fields, pmcid)
    	table.insert(fields, link)
    	table.insert(fields, license)
    	return linguistic.conj(fields, lang, translate("citation_comma", lang))
    local function citearticle(item, lang, page, num)
    	local author = getauthor(item, lang)
    	local title = getarticletitle(item, lang)
    	local publisher = getpublisher(item, lang)
    	local publishdate = getpublishdate(item, lang)
    	local pagenumber = formatpage(page, lang)
    	local journal = getjournal(item, lang)
    	local issue = getissue(item, lang)
    	local publishdate = getpublishdate(item, lang)
    	local doi = getDoi(item, lang)
    	local pmid = getPmid(item, lang)
    	local pmcid = getPmcid(item, lang)
    	local link = getLink(item, lang)
    	local volume = getVolume(item, lang)
    	local pagenumber = formatpage(page, lang)
    	local refnum = formatpage(num, lang)
    	local license = getlicense(item, lang)
    	local fields = {}
    	table.insert(fields, author)
    	table.insert(fields, title)
    	table.insert(fields, publisher)
    	table.insert(fields, journal)
    	table.insert(fields, volume)
    	table.insert(fields, issue)
    	table.insert(fields, publishdate)
    	table.insert(fields, pagenumber)
    	table.insert(fields, refnum)
    	table.insert(fields, doi)
    	table.insert(fields, pmid)
    	table.insert(fields, pmcid)
    	table.insert(fields, link)
    	table.insert(fields, license)
    	return linguistic.conj(fields, lang, "comma")
    function p.citeitem(item, lang, page)
    	if not item then return nil end
    	if type(item) == 'string' then
    		item = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(item)
    	if not item then
    		return "invalid item id"
    	if wikidata.getClaims({entity = item, property = 'P1433'}) then -- if item has "edition of" is a book, else an article, needs a better solution
    		return citearticle(item, lang, page)
    		mw.log('Citing as book')
    		return citebook(item, lang, page)
    function p.cite(frame)
    	local lang = frame.args.lang
    	if not lang or lang == '' then
    		lang = frame:preprocess('{{int:lang}}')
    	local page =
    	if page == '' then
    		page = nil
    	return p.citeitem(frame.args.item, lang, page)
    function p.reflist(frame)
    	local list = mw.text.split( frame.args[1], ' ')
    	local lang = frame.args.lang
    	if not lang or lang == '' then
    		lang = frame:preprocess('{{int:lang}}')
    	local str = ''
    	for i, j in pairs(list) do
    		str = str ..  '<li> ' .. p.citeitem(mw.text.trim(j),lang) .. '</li>'
    	return str
    return p