User:Push-f/Wikidata:Limitations/User interface

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This page attempts to document the biggest current limitations of the Wikidata user interface and link Phabricator tasks that track these limitations, as well as userscripts or third-party applications to work around these limitations when such software exists.


  • you cannot filter your watchlist to only show changes to labels/aliases/descriptions in languages you actually speak phab:T43686


  • the autocompletion does not yield properties; you can use Propbrowse instead
  • the autocompletion does not yield lexemes; you can use Ordia instead (but it also doesn't provide search-as-you-type)
  • the autocompletion only yields exact prefix matches e.g. if an item is labeled "restrictions to free speech" it will not show up when searching for "restriction to free speech" (note the missing 's'), the only current workaround is to add aliases

Entity suggester[edit]

Entity pages[edit]