Wikidata:Edit groups/OR/f277cef

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Edit group OR/f277cef

Summary software developers listed in NSRL Author YULdigitalpreservation
Number of edits 98 (more statistics) Example edit Q200491


@YULdigitalpreservation: Hi! Thanks for giving OpenRefine a spin :)

In this edit group, you have both created new items and changed existing ones. This requires a bit of extra care, so I generally advise people to do separate edit groups for new items and existing items (by uploading twice, using faceting).

Specifically, the problem here is that you have overridden descriptions and aliases on existing items. See for instance

If you want to upload all your changes at once, you can create a new column for your descriptions, and make sure it is blank for all rows where the reconciled column is matched to an existing item (that can easily be achieved with facets). Let me know if you have any idea how to prevent this sort of problem better (it has already happened a couple of times with other users). − Pintoch (talk) 12:17, 5 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

  • @Pintoch: Hi! Thanks for making this tool. It is very helpful. Your description of what I did here is consistent with my experience of it. I somehow was unable to see the facet pane on the left-hand side of Open Refine- I think it was because I tried "undo". After using the upload to Wikidata option now, I can avoid such problems in the future. Thanks for your feedback and for your work to create useful tools. YULdigitalpreservation (talk) 12:53, 9 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]