Wikidata:GLAM/Smithsonian Institution/Reports/Constituents and gender

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Breakdown of Smithsonian American Art Museum constituents by "gender" in Wikidata

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item (COUNT(?item) as ?count) WHERE { ?p wdt:P1795 ?id . ?p wdt:P21 ?item . } GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ORDER BY DESC (?count)
Count item label description issued by Wikidata item of this property
4 Q48270 non-binary gender identities other than male or female
1777 Q6581072 female to be used in "sex or gender" (P21) to indicate that the human subject is a female or "semantic gender" (P10339) to indicate that a word refers to a female person
6026 Q6581097 male to be used in "sex or gender" (P21) to indicate that the human subject is a male or "semantic gender" (P10339) to indicate that a word refers to a male person
1 Q12964198 genderqueer range of gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine and does not match with assigned sex
1 Q27679766 transmasculine gender of individuals who were assigned female at birth but identify on the male side of the gender spectrum
2 Q56315990 assigned female at birth assignment of a female gender shortly after birth

∑ 6 items.

End of automatically generated list.