Wikidata:Mismatch Finder/Website

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Mismatch Finder
Tackling mismatching data between Wikidata and external databases.

Editors will be able to review mismatches on multiple Items through the Mismatch Finder website. You can also use the Mismatch Finder gadget that will display an alert at the top of the Item pages on and a link to the Mismatch Finder website to let you review the details of the potential mismatch.

Mismatch Finder website

Specifying your list of Items to check

  1. Specify a list of Items you are interested in via a list of Item IDs. You can for example get them via a SPARQL query on the Wikidata Query Service.
  2. For each of the specified Items the website will then check the mismatch store for any mismatches saved in the system.
  3. Each found mismatch is presented to you to investigate if it is a mistake on Wikidata, or a mistake in the 3rd-party database.
  4. Upon review fix the mismatch on Wikidata, the other database, or decide that the mismatch is intentional and mark it as intentional.

Guide for reviewing mismatches

You can find additional information for each upload in the results table. This might be valuable when investigating the mismatches. This includes the username of the person who uploaded the mismatches, the date of the upload and a short description of it.

After investigating the mismatches, please choose one of the following statuses:

  • Wrong data on Wikidata: use this option if Wikidata's data is inaccurate. Please use the link to the Wikidata statement and edit it there to resolve the mismatch.
  • Wrong data on external source: use this option if the error lies in the external source. When possible, please inform the data source's maintainers of the error or resolve the mismatch yourself.
  • Both are wrong: use this option if you find there are errors on both sides. When possible, please use the link to the Wikidata statement to resolve the mismatch and/or inform the data source’s maintainers of the error.
  • None of the above: use this option if none of the other options are applicable. This might for example be the case if the mismatch has already been resolved by someone else.
  • Awaiting review: use this option if you want to reset the mismatch entry to its default 'un-reviewed' state.
