Wikidata:Status updates/2023 08 07

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This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2023-08-07.


Press, articles, blog posts, videos[edit]

Tool of the week[edit]

  • WikiShootMe expanded to make it possible to find the Items close to pictures you took so you can upload and add them to them (source)

Other Noteworthy Stuff[edit]

  • Template:Synia is a new template which makes it easy to create links to Synia from Wikidata. Template:Synia+ guesses the relevant configuration pages for each entity depending on the values of P31 and P106.
  • Wikifunctions, Wikidata's newest sibling project, had a soft launch. Welcome to the Wikimedia wikiverse, functioneers!
  • The ORES service will be decommissioned and replaced by Lift Wing. If you have a tool that relies on ORES scores to judge edits or the quality of an Item please read the migration announcement. We are collecting affected community tools in phab:T343419.

Did you know?[edit]


  • EntitySchemas:
  • Wikibase REST API: We continued the work on the route for replacing the data of a statement on a Property (phab:T340006)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Monthly Tasks[edit]