Wikidata:WikiProject African Literary Metadata/Data structure

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Work in progress

Serialized (web) fiction[edit]

Serialized fiction is published in smaller, sequential instalments in magazines or newspapers and in recent years also on the web in blogs or on social media channels. This data model strives to describe all types of serialized fiction regardless of the distribution channel.


If a work of fiction is just published once (in a newspaper or on the web), it will be described with one item following the data model described below. If a work of fiction is published multiple times (f.e. in a newspaper and as book) multiple items will be created including an item for the literary work as such. The data model for the last mentioned scenario is still under review.

Data structure[edit]

Example: serialized fiction in newspaper: Magaidi wa Dr. Shulla (Q123474178)

Data structure for serialized fiction in newspapers or magazines
Proptery Value Description
instance of (P31) serialized fiction (Q1347298)
language of work or name (P407) Swahili (Q7838)
author (P50) Edi Ganzel (Q123378310)
author name string (P2093)
title (P1476) Magaidi wa Dr. Shulla
published in (P1433) Taifa weekly (Q123378284)
issue (P433) 786 (plus qualifiers) When possible, mention the first and the last insallement. Add qualifiers, page(s) (P304), object has role (P3831), and where appropriate full work available at URL (P953) and volume (P478). See f.e. Magaidi wa Dr. Shulla (Q123474178)
publication date (P577) 1969
start time (P580) To be used as qualifier in publication date (P577), see f.e. Magaidi wa Dr. Shulla (Q123474178)
end time (P582) To be used as qualifier in publication date (P577), see f.e. Magaidi wa Dr. Shulla (Q123474178)
number of parts of this work (P2635) 18 periodical issue number of installements
full work available at URL (P953) When possible, add a link to the digitized work.
distribution format (P437) printed matter (Q1261026) Please use online publication (Q1714118) for web fiction
genre (P136) novella (Q149537)
country of origin (P495) Tanzania (Q924)
on focus list of Wikimedia project (P5008) WikiProject African Literary Metadata (Q122839939)
Identifiers Please use identifiers if any.