Wikidata:WikiProject Govdirectory/Digital Public Goods Announcement

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Govdirectory recognized as Digital Public Goods[edit]

We are very happy to announce that today the Govdirectory has been added to the Digital Public Goods Alliance (Q102440976) Digital Public Goods Registry (entry). This follows a review where it was found to be meeting the requirements of the Digital Public Goods Standard (Q102442905) and thereby qualifying as a digital public good (Q102440913), ensuring that projects truly encapsulate open source principles.

The goal of the Digital Public Goods Alliance and its registry is to to promote digital public goods in order to create a more equitable world. Being recognized as a Digital Public Good increases the visibility, support for, and prominence of open projects that have the potential to tackle global challenges.

As the Govdirectory envisions a world where people are empowered to engage with their government to ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels, the Digital Public Good seal of approval is a recognition and confirmation that we are on the right track.

Open source and open knowledge principles, hallmarks of Digital Public Goods, are core to our project and the a cornerstone for our mission - to enable a community powered directory where the online presence of every public organization is easily findable, queryable and trustworthy.

For any inquiries on Govdirectory use the talk page here or the main talk page. Feel free to ping User:Ainali or User:Abbe98. For more information on the Digital Public Goods Alliance please reach out to

The Digital Public Goods Alliance is a multi-stakeholder initiative endorsed by the United Nations Secretary-General (Q81066), working to accelerate the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (Q7649586) in low- and middle-income countries by facilitating the discovery, development, use of, and investment in digital public goods.