Wikidata:WikiProject IBC 2024

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IBC Workshop








WikiProject International Botanical Congress 2024

About Wikidata WikiProject International Botanical Congress 2024[edit]

The International Botanical Congress (IBC) takes place once every six years. The organisers of this WikiProject see this conference as an ideal opportunity to engage with the wider botanical community, educate them about the potential of Wikidata and to train them in its use. We will also use this opportunity to improve the data held in Wikidata about the participants, presenters and their contributions to botany.

Aims and scope[edit]

  • Deliver a Wikidata workshop to 50 conference participants
  • Deliver Wikidata related presentations and poster at the conference (2 paper and 2 posters have been accepted)
  • Engage in informal outreach during the conference
  • "Wikify" the conference, its participants and their contributions to botany


  • The Wikidata workshop will be held on Sunday 21st of July from 12 noon until 5pm. We will update the ticketing and location information once this is provided by the IBC organisers. For more information on the workshop see the workshop tab above.

Funding and support acknowledgements[edit]

The Wikimedia Foundation is providing funding to two of the organisers Ambrosia10 and S.v.Mering to travel to and attend this conference in order to organise and run this Wikidata workshop, present at and undertake further outreach with the participants at this conference.

Contributions to this work by Joaquimsantos1978 is supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P., in the framework of the Project UIDB/04004/2020 and DOI identifier 10.54499/UIDB/04004/2020.

Contributions to this work by Stitchbird2 is supported by her employer, the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.