Wikidata:WikiProject Museum AI projects

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Welcome to the WikiProject Museum AI projects
A project on mapping AI in museums: Creating a basis for evaluation

The place to coordinate and discuss all aspects related to Museum AI project (Q122636877).

Introduction to the topic and project


Framework and aims


The new culture of digitality is particularly changing the use and requirements of institutional and cultural infrastructures. The possibilities of accessing content and (international) communication open up new spaces for cultural and social practice. In this regard, the Western museum's global hegemony in cultural heritage practice and narratives has been increasingly called into question, addressing decolonial and ethical issues and responsibilities of inclusion. In terms of AI, approaches are emerging in view of these changes to create interfaces, including for the visitors’/users’ active agency and the fostering of critical data modelling. Therefore, how is AI able to contribute to actively shape museum practice and museum experience? Is it possible to create diverse, and ethical cultural experiences with its assistance? Is AI an adequate tool to deal, and intervene creatively, and critically with museum holdings, narratives and practices?

In this backdrop, MAp embodies the global mapping of AI in the museum context to create a basis for evaluation and thus help visualize, contextualize and assess its use, benefit, impacts, issues as well as evolution in this sector and related fields.

The aim of the project is to bring together historical and technological data (incl. GLAM) in a collaborative and sustainable relational data model, visualized via a linked data model (see query example below), as a groundwork for evaluation. For the first time, this will create the data and evaluation basis for the historical and future development of AI applications in museums, enabling a differentiated analysis of AI in the global context of cultural heritage and institutional practice. Not least due to the global spread of the museum sector, it is particularly possible to evaluate data on and produced through AI in this area comparatively and in context. With focus on the use of AI in museums, the project develops an interdisciplinary evaluation basis to illustrate the relevance and influence of technological transformation and migration on museum practice, work, criteria of best practice and their interrelation with historical, ethical and geopolitical contexts. In order to demonstrate the potential of the data and the data model for interdisciplinary assessment, evaluations will be published here on the basis of qualitative data analysis, among other things. Not least in the spirit of MAp's collaborative approach, this should invite other researchers from different disciplines to participate with evaluations based on the model and in the expansion of the data collection. In this regard, the project resonates with the framework of digital humanities, museum studies and cultural studies and information science research, and many more.

The project's intent is to provide a benchmark for analyzing this branch of development in relation not only to trends and innovations, but also in close connection to global contexts and effects of technological transformation. MAp opens up research and analytical perspectives through the global context, taking into account different institutional and cultural practices. These perspectives relate to ways of shaping collection management, exhibition practice, social participation and mediation and understanding and contextualizing these in relation to the challenges and responsibilities of data ethics, decolonial strategies, language, gender and geopolitics.



In winter semester 2022–23, on the occasion of the seminar "Troubleshoot. AI in the Museum", Isabel Hufschmidt, then Senior Scientist for Expanded Museum Studies at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, collaborated with students on a global mapping of AI deployments in museums. The results of this mapping have been first published in the volume This seminar was the beginning of the creation of MAp.

Project Wikidata items and properties


see Open Refine Mapping

Seminars, workshops, publications...




Troubleshoot? AI in the Museum

The initial global mapping list was created on the occasion of the Expanded Museum Studies seminar "Troubleshoot? AI in the Museum" at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, winter semester 2022/23

Faculty: Sen.Sc. Dr.phil. Isabel Hufschmidt

Students: Katharina Enzinger, BA / Manon Fougère, MA, BA, BA / Charlotte Fuchs-Robetin, BA / Konstantina Hornek, BA / Samira Plunger, BA

Contributors according to regions and countries:

Australia, Oceania, China, Mongolia: Konstantina Hornek, BA

Southeast Asia, Northern Europe: Katharina Enzinger, BA

Central and South America / Near East, Middle East, Central East (Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Jemen, Iraq, Iran, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kirgistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan): Samira Plunger, BA

Russia, Turkey, North America: Charlotte Fuchs-Robetin, BA

Southern and Eastern Europe, Africa: Manon Fougère, MA, BA, BA

Japan, Korea, Central and Western Europe: Dr. phil. Isabel Hufschmidt

Editing: Isabel Hufschmidt

Proof-reading: Jeremy Gaines



Hufschmidt, Isabel (2023): Troubleshoot? A Global Mapping of AI in Museums. In: Sonja Thiel / Johannes Bernhardt (eds.): AI in Museums. Reflections, Perspectives and Applications.

Data model (preliminary)


Query example [1]

Feedback & Tasks


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Questions and answers






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Basic Wikidata items and properties used to link museum AI projects.



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See these websites for more information and linked projects.


Seminar "Troubleshoot? AI in the Museum", Expanded Museum Studies, University of Applied Arts Vienna [2]

The Museums + AI Network [3]

List of Artificial Intelligence (AI) initiatives in museums - CC-BY 4.0


Wikidata:WikiProject Museums
Wikidata:WikiProject Digital projects of museums
Wikidata:WikiProject Artificial Intelligence
Wikipedia - List of artificial intelligence projects
Wikipedia:WikiProject - Artificial Intelligence



If you are interested in finding out more about this project, please contact us:

Isabel Hufschmidt (PI)

Sonja Thiel (talk)

Nils Casties
DSMZ - German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (Q1203864)
Bioinformatics and Databases
Full Stack Web Developer
Nils Casties (talk)


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